Thursday, July 9, 2009


Sing verily
Sing a song to the wind
In my babys eyes
I see my tired disguise
And I feel....the night
Feel it dim....the light
And I see....the tide
Pulling me in

Night fades with dawn
I've grown tired of being strong
Come close my friend
Our day will come back again
Cause I feel....the tide
Feel it dim....the night
And I see....the light
Pulling me in

Sing verily
Sing a song to the wind
In my babys eyes
I see my tired disguise
And I see....the night
See it dim....the light
And I feel....the tide
Pulling me in

1 comment:

  1. Lets see, Dylan had to be around 3 when this Verily was written. The sub part of Cracker was in town, not the Lowery part, the guitarist who was married to Vivian or Cladia, who came to a chicken taco feast at our house.
    I wonder what he is doing now. Anyway Verily was writting in about 12 mins.
